Give Thanks ::

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

With Thanksgiving being tomorrow, I am spending today thinking about all that I truly am thankful for. When you take the time to reflect on things, you realize just how much there really is to the be thankful for.

- My Family. The Holidays are always so much fun and I can't imagine spending this time of year surrounded by anybody else but my family.
- My Friends. They say you find your life long friends in college and I think that is absolutely true. I am so glad to have found such amazing friends who care for me and love me just as much as I do them. 
- How God shows up in every season. Sometimes things are hard, and I think 2015 has been the most challenging year I have faced yet. But God is still God. And he shows me each and everyday how His love for me never changes despite how things around me change.

What are you thankful for this year?

Life lately -

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Life lately has been a little on the crazy side. I am finding that as I get older there are just not enough hours in the day to do all the things I want to do, let alone need to do.. sigh.

As a result of feeling stressed and busy, I found myself procrastinating all my time away on social media. As much as I enjoy social media, there are some times when it just brings me down. There's always something negative or mean that I see that will just put me into a bad/sad mood. I can also honestly say.. that I am totally one of those people who will creep on celebrities or people who I think "have it all together", and I will start to regret every item of clothing I ever bought or never bought, and suddenly have this desire to explore the whole world. All this really does is leave me bitter and grumpy that I don't have a certain cool shirt or a bunch of random money lying around to fly myself to Paris. 
Lately, I have been trying to detach myself a bit from social media. As I get older I find myself envying those girls who are out of loop when it comes to the latest meme, or the "funny thing" that's going around on Twitter, or that one couple that just got engaged. Lately I'm finding myself craving authenticity, and I don't mean the hashtag. I am finding that I am admiring pictures I take even when I don't post them on instagram. I'm finding that I can say funny things without having to post them on Twitter.
I found something on Pinterest the other day while pondering these thoughts of ditching social media.  It's called the 7 day smartphone detox. I don't really like what some of the days say on this particular list, but I did like the idea as a whole. 

So this is my challenge to you today. Will you join me? Will you turn off push notifications? Will you delete the Facebook and Twitter app from your smart phone entirely? Will you resist the urge to look at your phone first thing in the morning? Now, I understand that you need your phone for work purposes and to contact people throughout the day.... but remember when that's all you could really use your phone for? Will you treat your phone like a non-smart phone this week? 

Have you been trying to detach from social media too? What are some things that you have tried that you really like, or that have been really beneficial to you? 

You may have noticed we changed our name! I'll touch more on this in an upcoming post ;)

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