Goodbye 2014....

Wednesday, December 31, 2014

A new year is on the rise and I cannot believe it. This year has been the longest, and the shortest, all at the same time.
2014 has been full of challenges, new adventures, life lessons, heartbreak, old friends, new friends, and so much more. If I can be honest with you for just a minute... this has been my least favorite year haha. I am so thankful for this year and all it had to offer, and I learned so so much through it all.. But this year has definately dished it out it's fair share of crap! Every year does though, right? Like I said, I am endlessly thankful for this year and all that I learned and how much I've grown through it all.

I have high expectations for 2015. It's like being stuck in the mud for a while and finally getting your foot loose and starting the climb out, towards better things. That's how I'm feeling about this new year. I am oh so very excited for all the new adventures coming, the lessons, the laughs, the cries, the friends, etc. it is all so exciting.
And most importantly, it's new.
A new year. A fresh start. That is so exciting.

Here are some goals I have for myself for 2015 (goals not resolutions..)
*Eat healthier
*Exercise more
*Do well in school
*Be kind
*Show love to those around me
*Be joyful
*Be myself

Those are just a few of them :) What are some goals you've set for yourself for the new year?!

::I thought it would be fun and typical to share some photos from my favorite memories in 2014::
 *Pumpkin Palooza at school

 *The Peony Project dinner

*Sleepovers with Natalie

 *The Balck and White Gala at school

 *The day VFCC became UVF

 *Leadership Training week before school started

 *Chaperoning at PennDel Youth Camp

 *The time my friends and I ventured to the beach in February(or March...)

 *Going to My Favorite Muffin with my favorite Suite mate, Kelly

*Snow days on snow days on snow days

Out with the old, and in with the new.
Here's hoping that 2015 has a lot to offer and does not disappoint!
A year full of Jesus, joy, friends, laughter, and adventure.

Goodbye, 2014..
Helloooooooo 2015!!!

1 comment :

  1. Happy New Year Amy!!! Love you and I love seeing you grow and God use you in multiple ways :)


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