2014 has been full of challenges, new adventures, life lessons, heartbreak, old friends, new friends, and so much more. If I can be honest with you for just a minute... this has been my least favorite year haha. I am so thankful for this year and all it had to offer, and I learned so so much through it all.. But this year has definately dished it out it's fair share of crap! Every year does though, right? Like I said, I am endlessly thankful for this year and all that I learned and how much I've grown through it all.
I have high expectations for 2015. It's like being stuck in the mud for a while and finally getting your foot loose and starting the climb out, towards better things. That's how I'm feeling about this new year. I am oh so very excited for all the new adventures coming, the lessons, the laughs, the cries, the friends, etc. it is all so exciting.
And most importantly, it's new.
A new year. A fresh start. That is so exciting.
Here are some goals I have for myself for 2015 (goals not resolutions..)
*Eat healthier
*Exercise more
*Do well in school
*Be kind
*Show love to those around me
*Be joyful
*Be myself
Those are just a few of them :) What are some goals you've set for yourself for the new year?!
::I thought it would be fun and typical to share some photos from my favorite memories in 2014::
*Pumpkin Palooza at school
*The Peony Project dinner
*Sleepovers with Natalie
*The Balck and White Gala at school
*The day VFCC became UVF
*Leadership Training week before school started
*Chaperoning at PennDel Youth Camp
*The time my friends and I ventured to the beach in February(or March...)
*Going to My Favorite Muffin with my favorite Suite mate, Kelly
*Snow days on snow days on snow days
Out with the old, and in with the new.
Here's hoping that 2015 has a lot to offer and does not disappoint!
A year full of Jesus, joy, friends, laughter, and adventure.
Goodbye, 2014..
Helloooooooo 2015!!!
Happy New Year Amy!!! Love you and I love seeing you grow and God use you in multiple ways :)