Here's to the New

Saturday, December 31, 2016

There's something about a New Year. 
It tends to make you feel nostalgic, excited, and a little nervous and anxious all at the same time.
I love New Years. Because it's a fresh start. A time to start new. A time to welcome new things into your life, and a chance to grab hold of every new opportunity.

I've never been a huge fan of resolutions just because it has always felt to me like something that people say, but never actually do. I am guilty of that, myself. So instead of resolutions.. I'm going to share with you my hopes, dreams, and goals for 2017.

  • Do more of what makes me happy // is it selfish? No. I've been learning more and more throughout 2016 that people can't thrive unless they're doing at least one thing that makes them happy.
  • Practice yoga everyday // I started doing yoga over the summer because my sister had told me for a while how good it was for the body. It helped ease a lot of headache, back and hip pain that I deal with somewhat regularly, and it made me feel great.
  • Get in shape // Literally almost everyones New Years resolution or hope. I'm comfortable with my weight and everything, I just want to FEEL better in my own skin. I'm not looking for an intense everyday workout, but more so just some lifestyle changes that can help me feel more healthy and happy.
  • Be less afraid to be myself // A personal struggle lately. I admire those in my life who are fearlessly themselves, and I want to be that kind of person.
  • Less screen time, more face time // I've been getting really fed up with social media lately and the relentless grip it has on the world, especially my generation. In reflecting on this past year I can think of several times that I wasted hours of my precious life scrolling aimlessly on some app. I want to be more present. Like actually present. 
  • Be more motivated // Again, I think my generation is caught up in this idea that procrastination and laziness is the key to leading the life you want to lead. But I don't think that's true. This new year is the year that I'll be graduating from college, and in these last semesters that I have I want to do well so that I can finish well. I'm done giving half-hearted effort towards things that are really important to me. It's time to kick laziness and procrastination to the curb.
These are just a few of my most important goals for the new year along with some personal ones. I have decided that my word for the year is Patience. It's always been something that I've lacked. And throughout 2016 I have learned that good things truly do come to those who wait. Probably the biggest lesson I've learned this year has been to wait on the Lord. patience patience patience.

This year has certainly been full of ups and downs, and I cannot wait to see what 2017 has to hold.

Here's to the New.

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