Give Thanks ::

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

With Thanksgiving being tomorrow, I am spending today thinking about all that I truly am thankful for. When you take the time to reflect on things, you realize just how much there really is to the be thankful for.

- My Family. The Holidays are always so much fun and I can't imagine spending this time of year surrounded by anybody else but my family.
- My Friends. They say you find your life long friends in college and I think that is absolutely true. I am so glad to have found such amazing friends who care for me and love me just as much as I do them. 
- How God shows up in every season. Sometimes things are hard, and I think 2015 has been the most challenging year I have faced yet. But God is still God. And he shows me each and everyday how His love for me never changes despite how things around me change.

What are you thankful for this year?

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