
Thursday, July 9, 2015

It's kind of funny how the day can get away from you. I had intentions of posting this around 10 this morning and it is now almost 1 in the afternoon. This post is a little irrelevant now seeing what time it is.... but I might as well introduce it! I have been in need of things to prompt me to write. I could write posts about my day everyday, but that's pretty boring especially because I don't do many exciting things everyday. So! I wanted to start a new little thing, called Morning Musings.

Maybe that sounds boring to you or you're thinking, "how is she going to blog every single morning?!" Well, I'm not :) This will only be a once-a-week thing. I will try to do these every Monday morning. And if not on a Monday morning, it will be some other morning ;) 

I enjoy sharing my heart with whoever is out there reading my blog. And I want to be able to gab about new things in life, things I am thankful for that day or week, things I am grateful for, and just all the wonderful things that are happening in life... because life is an exciting thing to talk about. I hope you look forward to reading my musings as much as I look forward to writing them.

Here's to new things! 


  1. I'm so excited to start reading these posts Amy! Can't wait to see what your muse is every week :)

    1. Thank you, Natalie! I am excited too :)


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